Thanks so much to everyone who came out Thursday night for the meeting in Queens . Sen. Schumer's message was clear; there's work to do.
"But," he said, "that's why we need your help."
"We're about ready to go...We're not there yet but we're getting there."
The Irish Echo newspaper also published an article this week summarizing the evening. To read the article click here.
Schumer proposes to have a comprehensive immigration reform bill ready for congressional debate by May 1.
He insisted that he is committed to a comprehensive immigration reform “with every atom in my body,” to getting “a strong comprehensive immigration reform bill through this year.”
“I believe in this cause; we’re going to get this immigration bill done.”
Bruce Morrison described Senator Schumer as being a super campaign leader but also said “he’s not God, he needs us.”
Later on this afternoon the Irish Echo also posted a blog on the possibility of a “May Surprise”.
One message that was clear is that politicians need our support to keep pushing for a comprehensive immigration reform.
Please keep an eye on the blog or search for “Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform” on for the latest news from the group.