Thursday, July 19, 2007

Irish Need DREAM Act Too

Wow. That's all I can say after reading some of the nasty pig-headed racist comments that were left on the blog regarding our support for the DREAM Act. It's almost as if this coalition of people is going to fall apart because the big bill fell apart. You know what? I'm here 12 years with no visa and I'm just as stuck as everyone else. But for f**ks sake, there's hundreds of Irish kids out there who are going to benefit from DREAM if it gets past. What's the problem? Are we really going to throw all of our toys out of the pram??Enough already. And as for the gurriers who keep whining about not getting their comments posted. GET YOUR OWN BLOG.


Anonymous said...

It's a sign of ignorance and immaturity for someone to say... "well, since I had to jump through hoops, was tortured by the process, then everybody else should too!"

It's incredible that those who have been done wrong, have been abused by the broken-down immigration system, the long waits, the discrimination, the high monetary & personal costs, etc, to oppose any SENSIBLE measure that, eventhough it may not benefit most, it's a step in the right direction!

Shelfishness may be a human trait, but com'on, people should see further than their own nose.

As for those who shed vitriol and hatred here and elsewhere regarding the imm. issue, they simply don't support any reform, and, dare say, don't care to cooly (rationally) examine the issue but rather prefer to get agitated and remain ignorant.

Unfortunately those who oppose imm. reform have a big magaphone and political influence. The good news is that they're the minority. The majority of Americans want legalization for those imms who have roots in this country!

The percentage of the supporters and the urgency for reform would rise if they realized who broken the current law is...

Anonymous said...

"Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, an architect of the Democratic campaign that regained control of the House last year, says his party will not attempt comprehensive immigration reform until at least the second term of a prospective Democratic president.

The congressman's statement was reported by a Hispanic activist and confirmed by Mr. Emanuel.Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, an architect of the Democratic campaign that regained control of the House last year, says his party will not attempt comprehensive immigration reform until at least the second term of a prospective Democratic president.

The congressman's statement was reported by a Hispanic activist and confirmed by Mr. Emanuel."

"Mrs. Clinton said she wouldn't predict enactment, but promised "my best efforts." Speaking after her, Mr. Obama said "in my first term, we will make this a priority and get this done."

Where is the courage?... darn these spineless Democrats!

Election is in 2008 and they are going to procrastinate this till 2012? No wonder they all spineless cowards !

For full news:

Need to send out clear messages to these spineless amoebas!

irishgirl said...

Check out what the city of New Haven CT is doing. I think it is fantastic that local governments are trying to do something positive while the federal government can't get their act together.

Cheers to you mayor John DeStefano heres hoping more will follow you way!

Anonymous said...


"Because with a little distance from the emotion of the Senate debate, and in light of recent events, we are seeing even more clearly the absolute absurdity of the opposition’s position.

Let’s start with Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). He is on record as saying “if it hurts the bill, I’m for it.” Let’s put aside the fact that he was trying to hurt our efforts to add thousands of additional border agents and create the most robust employment verification system in our nation’s history, and that he was effectively advocating for the horrific status quo of porous borders, workplace discrimination and exploitation and the continued destruction of families.

Based on his actions, it would probably be more realistic for him to say, if it hurts America, our workforce, our families or our ability to protect our homeland, I’m for it.

But it doesn’t stop there. Leading anti-immigrant advocate Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) and his allies have spent a great deal of time in recent days talking about forgiveness and redemption, but for some reason they believe that this forgiveness should not extend to the devoted husband who leaves his wife and children each day to work in pesticide-ridden fields.

And then there is the growing swell of support for complete amnesty for convicted felon Scooter Libby. Yet, for some reason, these same individuals cry foul when a system of harsh fines and penalties is proposed for the dishwasher whose only crime is working to support his family. Not exactly equal justice under the law."

Republicans want to scare everyone and position themselves as 'proponents of security...." So much for their security in Iraq and Afghanistan ....

Vitter should be deported to Saudi and tried for adultery there... then he can ask for forgiveness....

Anonymous said...

Lying Hypochondriacs (AKA Republicans)

"The anti-immigrant far right GOP pussies literally lied when they claimed all we had to do was exercise current law and we could fix our immigration problems. They crafted this lie because there was a chance the comprehensive immigration bill would pass the senate, and those here illegally for a long time would only be punished by a fine and back taxes, and held to the promise to stay crime free and register with the new immigration system. They called this less-than-deportation punishment “amnesty”. That is why I call them the Amnesty Hypochondriacs. There never was Reagan-style amnesty on the table - but they lied about that too."


“Federal law prohibits Hazleton from enforcing any of the provisions of its ordinances,”

That was a little good news...


Senate approves $40+ billion for homeland security which includes $3 billion for Border Security funding.

* 9/11 recommendations -- Approved
* Border Security funding -- Approved
* Dream Act -- Being Considered
* Ag Jobs -- Being Considered
* Fate of 12 million+ souls -- ??

Do you think GOP pussies will run out of excuses after $3 Billion infusion and 28000 border patrolmen plus hi-tech gear and cameras for virtual fence?

Or will they stir up some other kinda fear mongering story... say for example... illegals aliens will eat our babies...?