Sunday, June 25, 2006

St. Barnabas

Monsignor Barry and the Parish of St. Barnabas graciously permitted speakers from the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform to address parishioners before each mass today.

The speakers invited parishioners to join the struggle for comprehensive immigration reform.

Parishioners were urged to sign up for the National Lobby Day and Rally in Washington, DC this Wednesday, June 28th. They were told free buses would depart from Katonah Avenue at 5:00am Wednesday morning.

Parishioners unable to travel to Washington on Wednesday were told they could help by calling their representatives in Washington to voice their support for comprehensive immigration reform.

After addressing parishioners before the Italian language mass, one Irish Lobby speaker was stopped by several Italian-Americans eager to offer their support.

The community is banding together in support of its undocumented members.

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