Friday, July 14, 2006


This Sunday, July 16, 2006, the Rockland County Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold the 33rd Annual Rockland County Feis.

The Feis will be held at:
Anthony Wayne Recreation Area Stony Point, New York
Exit 17 on the Palisades Interstate Pkwy

A feis is an all day celebration of Irish music, dance, and culture.

All day means things get started early on a summer Sunday.

A First Mass is scheduled for 8:30am. Dancing competitions start at 9:00am. The schedule is tight. Piping also starts at 9:00am. There is a Gaelic mass at 11:00am. Pipe Bands will start at 12:30 pm.

The Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform will be there to enjoy the day.

Come out this Saturday and celebrate Irish-American culture at the Rockland County Feis.


Anonymous said...

I wonder whether they're pitching their poison as guests of the annual Feis, or whether the Feis is a special event organized solely to raise funds for ILIR?

Anonymous said...

I think its great to see you guys at the feis without the Irish their is no feis.The honourable guest of this feis is a proud and active member of the ILIR ,so did the chicken come befor the egg or did the egg come before the chicken you figure it out

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous -

If you want to talk about poison, why don't you point the pen in your direction? It is clearly stated that it is the 33rd Annual Rockland County Feis. As an organizer of the event, I am offended that you would suggest that the ILIR is poisoning the event. As someone who was there from 6:00am until 8:00pm - and wearing a LegalizeTheIrish.Org t-shirt, I must tell you, it was great to see the crew arrive as the day progressed and they were greeted enthusicatically by the more than 7,000 people who were in attendance for the day. In fact, when the dancing championships were held later in the day, many teachers had their students wear the LegalizeTheIrish.Org t-shirts as they did their steps. That is what I call solidarity! So take your cynic approach and bury yourself under a rock!